Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Rated XXX

I think about sex too much of the time. From a TV advertisement it stated that men think about sex every seventeen seconds. I reckon that I think about sex more often than that. Thoughts of sexual acts pop in my mind every so often, ranging from the general sexual intercourse between a non-descriptive but nonetheless beautiful and sexy women & myself, to banging Keira Knightly or one of my friends or group peers. These thoughts can wander into my brain at any situation - in class, while I'm catching the bus or just when I'm bored studying.

Right now I like to clarify I'm not obsessive about sex - I can block out the thoughts and continue with my work and they tend to come when I'm bored and not occupied. I tend to worry that I'm too much of a pervert compared to the rest of the population. Yet I believe I am more open about sexuality than other people. Sex to me is completely natural - why be ashamed about it or try to hide it? That is why I cannot be a conservative - you try to hide too many things from one another, when putting it out in the open creates discussion and tolerance.

My belief is that my sexual pre-occupation is connected to my total lack of a significant partner and a sex life. The word 'desperate' comes to the forum when thinking about it. I have thought about rectifying the matter - words like 'prostituition' and 'rape' spring forth but thankfully my conscience beats that down before any more thoughts along those lines proceed.

I just wish that more people were similarly like-minded about sex.

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