On Saturday myself and another Old Brightonian Mary had dim sum with my old housemaster Anthony Whitestone. Mr. Whitestone (I still cannot believe I will continue address him as 'mister') had recently retired after many, many years teaching French & German at bRighton College and just so happened to be in Hong Kong on holiday. It was fantastic recollecting the days back in Chichester House and seeing how Brighton College has progressed and changed since I left. Both Mary and I have fond memories of Brighton College, enjoying our time there.
I know some people wouldn't say the same things about their secondary/high school. Mary didn't like the two previous boarding schools she went to and others don't talk about their past school experiences quite as fondly as I would. I think they are totally justified to say that their school life was crap but there must have been some good experiences - making friends of schoolmates or even teachers, sports events or boarding house experiences. I can honestly say not all of my experiences of Brighton Collge were good. My depression started during my Sixth Form years and I remember the day when I got the final letter I got rejected by all the medical schools I applied for. People say university is the best years of your life but so far it has been a negative experience for me, since my depression has progressed and having to stay four more years. That is not to say there have been good moments, making some good friends.
People fail to realize your school and university years are a defining part of you. One cannot erase the memories or events that have occurred but use them in later life for better or worse.
I'm glad one of my favourite shows "QI" (AKA Quite Interesting) is back on television. I used part of my weekend downloading nad watching the first two episodes. I might agree with some fans the quality of the show may have dipped slightly but it is still better than most television shows around. It has a dedicated following even in the United States, despite not being shown there (one must love the power of the Internet). Added to that they have joined the bandwagon and now have a vodcast. If you want to watch it, just search "QI Quickies" on Youtube.
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